Programmed for Performance
The Offshore Rig business is forever evolving and demands are ever increasing. Our people continually find new ways to advance the industry and we are actively fostering a performance culture that fuels constant improvement.

Our Rigs Are Safer Than Ever
Injuries are down, and the severity of injuries is down, too. During the past two years, we have lowered the percentage of injuries across our fleet.

Uptime Eclipses Industry Standards
Within the industry, 94 percent uptime once seemed a tough threshold to cross. However, during the past year, Transocean's fleet has operated with an uptime eclipsing 96.6 percent, exceeding industry expectations and underscoring the limitless potential we see with every initiative we launch.

Customers are Responding
Transocean is aligning closely with our customers as we all work through the current market environment. To assist them we have simplified our contracting principles and developed alternative commercial models. This customer service focus has resulted in Transocean capturing a higher share of the contracts awarded, including the areas we specialize in: ultra-deepwater and harsh environment.
From the Performers
The performance procedures and policies we have in place are ensuring safety, reducing downtime and making us more productive than ever. The data bears this out. But take a moment to read what the people on the rigs pushing the curve have to say about it.
The makings of a Performance Culture
The reason we believe zero incidents and 100% uptime are reasonable goals is because we carefully and continuously examine every step of every process and optimize them for safety and efficiency. What's more, we are measuring and analyzing everything, applying the learnings across the entire company and using data to drive every decision. We invite you to take a closer look inside our performance culture.